Award in the Category of non implemented Landscape Architectural projects at the 6th International Landscape Architecture Exhibition (Belgrade – Serbia)

Award in the Category of non implemented Landscape Architectural projects at the 6th International Landscape Architecture Exhibition (Belgrade – Serbia)

The project “time tissue” for the Redesign of Eleytherias Square in Thessaloniki has been chosen for the Award in the Category of non implemented Landscape Architectural projects at the 6th International Landscape Architecture Exhibition 2015 in Belgrade, organized by the Serbian Association of Landscape Architects (SALA).

Thanasis Polyzoidis Jury member at the architectural competition of Green Point

Thanasis Polyzoidis Jury member at the architectural competition of Green Point

Thanasis Polyzoidis on 26 – 27 of May 2015 took part as a Jury Member at the Architectural Ideas Competition for the design of Green Point of urban type, organized by ΔΙΑΔΥΜΑ .3R, in Kozani

Domes Greek Architecture awards 2015 – Project shortlisted

Domes Greek Architecture awards 2015 – Project shortlisted

The project ¨time tissue¨ – Redesign of Eleytherias Square in Thessaloniki
was among the eleven unbuilt leading projects (5th place) in the Category ‘ Best Project of the Years 2010-2014”
(Jury: Dimitris Fatouros – Benedetta Tagliabue – Mikro Zardini)

“Panorama” Greek Architecture Exhibition 2014, Athens

“Panorama” Greek Architecture Exhibition 2014, Athens

Participation with the project “ecological histories ” at the “Panorama” Greek Architecture Exhibition 2014, in Technopolis – Athens In the framework of the Design Lab
The exhibition included 100 projects and studies that received the highest score of the jury of the ‘DOMES 2014 “

5th Landscape Architecture Exhibition, Belgrade – Serbia

5th Landscape Architecture Exhibition, Belgrade – Serbia

Participation at the 5th Landscape Architecture Exhibition with the project “ecological histories”, at the Gallery of Serbian Academy of Science and Arts, Belgrade – Serbia.

1st honorable mention at the Architectural Competition for Landscaping the Surrounding Space of the Monumental Area of Eptapyrgio, Thessaloniki

1st honorable mention at the Architectural Competition for Landscaping
the Surrounding Space of the Monumental Area of Eptapyrgio, Thessaloniki

The project “ecological histories” was awarded with 1st honorable mention
at the Architectural Competition for Landscaping the Surrounding Space
of the Monumental Area of Eptapyrgio, Thessaloniki. Organized by the
Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change.

Authors: Panita Karamanea – Helena Kouri – Athanasios Polyzoidis