Many thanks to Professor Dr. Achille Maria Ippolito(Ordinario in Composizione Architettonica e Urbana Sapienza, Università di Roma & Direttore del Master in Progettazione del Paesaggio A.S.B. – CURSA – UNISCAPE)for including projects of topio7 and texts of Panita Karamanea at his new book“Il paesaggista. Professione e formazione”Grazie mille!!

Happy to announce that our project “landscape fluxes _Municipal Park Salina” is the WINNER for the INTERNATIONAL CONCEPTUAL DESIGN AWARD (Category Urban Design) at the S.ARCH ARCHITECTURE AWARDS 2021 in Rome!

The S.ARCH International DESIGN AWARD is dedicated to the recognition of Conceptual Designs, their excellence in architecture and/or urbanism, architectural diversity, new ideas, and their exemplary implementations around the world.