Many thanks to the EFSYN Newspaper for the interview regarding topio7 project “elastic limit”!…/anastasi-gia-palio-koimitirio-neapolis
Many thanks to the EFSYN Newspaper for the interview regarding topio7 project “elastic limit”!…/anastasi-gia-palio-koimitirio-neapolis
Many thanks to Archisearch for publishing our project “the elastic limit”
Many thanks to How Architect Works Magazine for publishing topio7’s projects! ”
Many thanks to the Taiwan Architect Magazine for publishing our project “the elastic limit” at the International architectural news between Steven Holl and Norman Foster’s projects
Founded in 1976, Taiwan Architect Magazine is the oldest professional architectural journal for Chinese readership.
Topio7’s presentation of the project
“”Tudela-Culip Restoration Project-EMF landscape architects”
As a significant reference project of topio7’s projects. Speaker on behalf of topio7 :Panita Karamanea
Architectural Competition of DEI “Regeneration and Reuse of former lignite mines in the Western Macedonia region” and the 1st Prize – our project “eco_corridors” was included as one of the three representatives case studies of Greece, in the Book “Competition Culture in Europe 2013 – 2016”
Published by Architectuur Lokaal, Amsterdam, September 2017
Organized by by A10 new European architecture Cooperative, Project Compass CIC and Architectuur Lokaal.
The results were presented and discussed at the Conference on Competition Culture in Europe 28 and 29 september 2017, Amsterdam
organised by Architectuur Lokaal