Τaller Intensivo Internacional (6 créditos ECTS) del Master Arquitectura Paisatge en Barcelona ETSAB profesores: Sara Bartumeus + Panita Karamanea – Thanasis Polyzoidis / topio7
July 12, 2018
El lunes que viene empezamos!
Τaller Intensivo Internacional (6 créditos ECTS) del Master Arquitectura Paisatge en Barcelona ETSAB -UPC
topio7 participates as visiting professor with Sara Bartumeus, in the Intensive International Workshop of the Master in Landscape Architecture of Barcelona ETSAB -UPC
June 25, 2018
Es un gran honor para TOPIO7 de participar este año como professor invitado con Sara Bartumeus en el Taller Internacional del Master de Arquitectura de Paisaje en Barcelona ETSAB -UPC, bajo el LEMA: FERTILE GROUNDS, EMERGENT ECOLOGIES AND COMMONS!
estamos muy contentos de volver !?
It is a great honor for TOPIO7 to participate this year as visiting professor with Sara Bartumeus, in the Intensive International Workshop of the Master in Landscape Architecture of Barcelona ETSAB -UPC, with the title: FERTILE GROUNDS, EMERGENT ECOLOGIES AND COMMONS!
we are so happy to return!?
Master Arquitectura Paisatge ETSAB – The booklet of the students’ projects already available Professors: Sara Barumeus + Panita Karamanea – Thanasis Polyzoidis/ Topio7
June 5, 2018
Master Arquitectura Paisatge ETSAB – UPC
The booklet of the students projects already available at http://ow.ly/4obD30m5Woc
Professors: Sara Barumeus + Panita Karamanea – Thanasis Polyzoidis/ Topio7
Thank you all for these creative intensive 2 weeks! Great projects by great students!
topio7 is included among the available European offices for practices of the MAP (ESTAB UPC) students
June 3, 2018
topio7 is included among the available european offices where the students of the Master in Landscape Architecture of Barlecona (ESTAB UPC) will be able to carry out their practices.
elastic limit” among the Short-Listed Designs for the S.ARCH 2018 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN AWARD
May 30, 2018
Happy to announce that our project “the elastic limit” is among the Short-Listed Designs for the S.ARCH 2018 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN AWARD in Venice for the category Urban / Landscape Projects !