topio7 participates as visiting professor with Sara Bartumeus, in the Intensive International Workshop of the Master in Landscape Architecture of Barcelona ETSAB -UPC

Es un gran honor para TOPIO7 de participar este año como professor invitado con Sara Bartumeus en el Taller Internacional del Master de Arquitectura de Paisaje en Barcelona ETSAB -UPC, bajo el LEMA: FERTILE GROUNDS, EMERGENT ECOLOGIES AND COMMONS!

estamos muy contentos de volver !?


It is a great honor for TOPIO7 to participate this year as visiting professor with Sara Bartumeus, in the Intensive International Workshop of the Master in Landscape Architecture of Barcelona ETSAB -UPC, with the title: FERTILE GROUNDS, EMERGENT ECOLOGIES AND COMMONS!

we are so happy to return!?